Upcoming Events


Annual Meeting

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, May 21 at 5:30 PM, and join us for our 2024 Annual Meeting at our Lewiston branch!

Hear about the successes of 2024, grab some tasty treats, and enter to win fun giveaways

The Annual Meeting is free and open to all Maine Family FCU members. Pre-registration is not required, but it is appreciated. We hope to see you there!


Board of Director Nominations

The Nominating Committee has put forward the following board members for a 3-year term:

  • Natalie Williamson
  • Louise McClure


Since there are no nominations from the floor of the Annual Meeting on May 21, 2025, nominations may only be made by petition, with 1% of the membership signing a petition. You may download the complete nomination packet below. Please return the completed forms, including the required 184 signatures, to the Credit Union by Friday, April 11, 2025.