Certificates of Deposit

At Maine Family FCU, we know you work hard for your money.

Enjoy a risk-free investment with a Maine Family FCU Certificate of Deposit (CD). The interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is fixed when the deposit is made and will remain until the maturity date. You can feel confident that your savings are safe and growing.

Minimum balance is just $500; Terms range from 6 months to 60 months; and dividends are accrued daily and compounded monthly. You have a choice of where dividends are to be distributed; remain in certificate, pay to other account or monthly check.

Certificate Laddering:

This savings strategy may allow you to maximize your earnings while still having access to your money on a regular basis. For example, instead of opening a $5000 certificate for 5 years you would open five certificates for $1,000 each for the following terms:

  • 1 Year
  • 2 Years
  • 3 Years
  • 4 Years
  • 5 Years

As each certificate matures you can use the funds you need or roll them in to a new certificate.


CD Rates

Effective 02/18/2025

Account TypeDividend RateAPY*Min. Opening Deposit**
6 Month Certificate3.93%4.00%$500
1 Year Certificate3.83%3.90%$500
2 Year Certificate3.83%3.90%$500
3 Year Certificate3.83%3.90%$500
4 Year Certificate3.83%3.90%$500
5 Year Certificate3.83%3.90%$500

* Annual Percentage Yield
**Minimum Opening balance / Minimum Required Balance to earn APY

We may impose a substantial penalty if you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date. For Certificates of less than 24 months duration the penalty is an amount equal to 90 days Dividends, whether earned or not. For Certificates of 24 months or more duration, the penalty is an amount equal to 180 days of interest whether earned or not.

Certificates renew automatically with a 7-day grace period during which withdrawals may be made without penalty.