Money Market Accounts

Money Market Accounts

Our Money Market savings accounts feature tiered interest rates and flexible terms designed to help you achieve your savings goals! At Maine Family FCU, our Money Market Savings Account combines the benefits of higher interest rates compared to regular share savings with increased flexibility. By maintaining a $2,500 minimum balance, you can enjoy monthly dividends without locking your funds away for extended periods.

Happy Senior Couple Talking about Retirement Savings

Money Market Rates

Effective 06/01/2023

Account TypeDividend RateAPY*Min. Opening Deposit**
< $10,0002.47%

*Annual Percentage Yield
**Minimum Opening balance / Minimum required balance to earn APY
Rates subject to change after account opening at any time without notice.

Mini Money Market Accounts

We understand that not everyone can afford to tie up large sums of money just to earn a decent return. That’s why our Mini Money Market account offers a competitive yield without the burden of sky-high minimum balances.

Earn an impressive 3.66% APY* on the first $2,500 while maintaining the flexibility and accessibility to your funds. Whether saving for a rainy day or planning for future goals, our Mini Money Market account accelerates your journey toward financial success.

Happy family saving money

Mini Money Market Rates

Effective 03/25/2024

Account TypeDividend RateAPY*Min. Opening Deposit**
< $2,5003.60%

*Annual Percentage Yield
**Minimum Opening balance / Minimum required balance to earn APY
Rates subject to change after account opening at any time without notice.