Real Estate Loan Rates

First Mortgages

1 Year - 5 Years6.000%6.077%
5+ Years - 10 Years6.000%6.041%
10+ Years - 15 Years6.250%6.280%
20 Years6.500%6.525%
30 Years6.625%6.645%

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Subject to Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) eligibility for qualified borrowers. Other rules may apply. Mobile homes excluded. Must be for primary residence.

Second Mortgages

1 Year - 5 Years
(80% Loan-to-Value)
5+ Years - 10 years
(80% Loan-to-Value)
10+ Years - 15 Years
(80% Loan-to-Value)
1 Year - 5 Years
(85% Loan-to-Value)
5+ Years - 10 years
(85% Loan-to-Value)
10+ Years - 15 Years
(85% Loan-to-Value)

* APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change at any time. APR based on loan amount of $100,000 points; 10 days prepaid interest.

Home Equity Lines of Credit

TermRateAPR*Monthly Payment
RevolvingPrime minus 0.25%7.250%1.50% of the outstanding balance, or $100.00, whichever is greater.

*APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Our Home Equity Line of Credit is a variable rate of Prime Minus .25% for the life of the loan.  The rate is adjusted on the first day of each month based on Prime as published in the Wall Street Journal. The prime rate is 7.50% APR as of 12/18/2024. Hazard Insurance is required. Flood insurance is required where necessary. No minimum initial advance is required. We will lend up to 85% of the appraised value of your home, minus first mortgage. $5,000 minimum for line of credit. Maximum Annual Percentage Rate is 18.00%.